"Kebanyakan orang mengatakan intelektualitaslah yang membuat seorang ilmuwan hebat. Mereka salah, yang membuatnya hebat adalah karakter"

-Albert Einstein-
Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017

Guided Through the Qur'an - My Impression, the Answer to My semi-Unanswered Question

It’s been a very long time since the last time I have written anything. But I’m feeling like writing today.

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

“Ya Allah, make this writing a guide to those whom You wish to guide. Aamiin.”

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, I’ve been watching some enlightening videos these last few weeks. They are a serial video of a show. The title of the show is Guided Through the Qur’an, a Youtube video made by Noon Website (or so I heard they say) and brought by Sheikh Fahad Alkandari. I don’t really know which country the show come from, but one thing that I’m sure of is that they come from somewhere in Jazirah Arab. Why? Because the presenter is using arabic language, so it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? hahaha. 

As far as I know, Guided Through The Qur’an has 3 seasons. And alhamdulillah, I’ve watched all of the episodes of season 2, and 10 episodes of season 3. Each season consists of about 30 episodes. I don’t watch season 1 yet because I can’t seem to find the download link and I don’t really have internet conection to download it now because, you know, I’m home and the cellular signal is pretty bad here, masya Allah.

Guided Through The Qur’an is a show that narrating and showing us the journey of mu’allaf(s) all around the world. Their story before Islam, how they get to know about Islam, their first interaction with the Qur’an, their doubts, what make them believe in Islam, their memorable event of life when they reborn as muslim by taking the shahadah, their favorite or most memorable ayah (verse) of the Qur’an, and their contribution in Islam. Long story short, it’s about how they find the beauty of Islam, how they cope with it, and how they live their new life as muslim. 

Since a long time ago, I have loved to know –watch, read, or listen to- the story of the mu’allaf. Why? Because, in my opinion, they are very lucky. They aren’t born as muslim. They even live in a society that despise Islam, a society that have a lot of misconceptions about Islam. Or sometime in a society that don’t know anything about Islam. But by the will of Allah, they are chosen to be given the hidayah. Subhanallah. 

Honestly, I envy them. I envy that Allah love them more. I envy that they find the true beauty of Islam. And here I am, someone who was born muslim, living in a muslim family, and yet, I feel that my life is monotone. I can’t truly live my life as muslim. I can’t truly taste the sweetness of my beautiful religion. I can’t truly fathom the feel of living a truly Islamic life. Astaghfirullah. 

Sorry for my ramble. 

Okay the point is, I love watching the story of mu’allaf because I want to know, what they find in Islam that make them take the big decision by converting to Islam, when sometimes that very decision lead them to the biggest trial of their life. Of course it’s the will of Allah subhana wa ta’alla, but we as human have to make ikhtiyar, have to make the effort to get to know something. And yes, by watching their story it’s a mean for me to understand more the beauty of my perfect religion of Islam.

And yeah, I’m still learning now, but one thing I can conclude from all the watching, reading, and pondering is that they, the mu’allaf(s), choose Islam as their religion and more importantly choose Islam as their way of life because they find the Truth in and of Islam. 

How do they find it? Is it a coincidence? No. They don’t find the truth of Islam by coincidence, nor by luck, nor by someone told them about it. They find the truth because they search for it. They find the truth because they look for it, eagerly, desperately, they yearn for it. They beg The Creator, The All-Knowing, to guide them. To show them the right path. They find the truth and the beauty of Islam because they are thinking and pondering about life. About the purpose of life. About what actually we have to do in our life if in the end, we all will die. Why do we created as human. What is the purpose of our creation. And what will happen after we die. Is life just about eat and work and sleep and hanging out, or there are something more about it, something greater, a goal that we need to achieve. 

And that’s what make the mu’allaf different. That’s what make Allah subhana wa ta’alla chooses to guide them, to give them hidayah. That’s what make them taste the true beauty and sweetness in Islam. And that’s what make them proud to be muslim because they know that Islam brings the ultimate truth. Because the old book of Qur’an which has given and revealed to us 1400 years ago contains answers, contains solutions to every single questions, problems, issues of our life. And they want to understand more about it, to implement it, to share it, to mend the chaos of the world by this perfect medicine, Qur’an. To fullfill their duty as the servant of Allah subhana wa ta’alla. MasyaAllah.

And here we are, born muslim, have known the Qur’an since we know how to breath, but lack of the will to understand The Holy Book of Qur’an, let alone implement and share it. We don’t know why we are a muslim. And now we are asking why our life is monotone? Why can’t we live the perfect life of Islam? Haha, what a moron. Me, the moron, actually. No offend. 

Yes. That’s the answer I have found, after a long time of thinking, after long time of pondering. In the past, I didn’t really think about why did I choose Islam as my way of life, my religion. I just inherited Islam from my parent. I didn’t really know the reason why I have to be a muslim. Born muslim, yes, thanks to Him. A muslim, yes alhamdulillah because it’s one biggest blessing Allah subhana wa ta’alla has bestowed upon me, the nikmat of iman and Islam. Have a muslim family, yes, all praises to Allah. Practicing muslim, the fardh (obligatory)? Yes alhamdulillah, but the sunnah (voluntary)? Not really. But know after I have found my answer, I’m trying to be a better servant of Allah subhana wa ta’alla. I am striving to be a better muslimah. I’m struggling to become closer to Him. And for that, please, please I ask you to beg Him in your du’a(s) to give me the istiqamah, the patience and ask Him to forgive all my sins and bestowe me the nikmat of Iman and Islam till the day of my ajal, my beloved sisters and brothers. 

The conclusion is, if we want, truly, to become a real muslim, we have to know the meaning of the word ‘muslim’. Muslim is someone who submit him/herself to God, to The Creator, to Allah subhana wa ta’alla. But before we can submit ourself to Him, first we have to get to know Him. Not by being told by someone. But we have to find Him by ourself. How? I’ll give you a clue. Please answer these 3 questions :
  1. From where did we come?
  2. To where are we going?
  3. Why do we live?
Answer those questions. Think hard and don’t be influenced by other. Take your time to question yourself and think about everything that exist in this world, the sun, the sky, the moon, the animals, the trees, the universe, and most importantly, human and their life. If you have answered those 3 questions, sincerely, humbly, wisely, insyaAllah, by the Will of Allah, you will find the truth in Islam. But please do remember to ask, to beg Allah with utmost sincerity for His Guidance. May Allah guide us and show us the right path. Aaamiin.

I think I’ve written enough for today. I will write some more about this topic next time, insyaAllah. 

Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. 

written by : Siti N. W. Abroriyah

Title: Guided Through the Qur'an - My Impression, the Answer to My semi-Unanswered Question; Written by siti_wahidah96; Rating: 5 dari 5

Ditulis Oleh : siti_wahidah96 ~ Seputar Info komputer Dan Catatan--kuu

Artikel Guided Through the Qur'an - My Impression, the Answer to My semi-Unanswered Question ini diposting oleh siti_wahidah96 pada hari Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017. Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda serta kesediaan Anda membaca artikel ini. Kritik dan saran dapat anda sampaikan melalui kotak komentar.

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